Westbury on Trym Show at the Village Hall was conceived in 1977 after the success of a flower arranging competition. It has been running since 1978. Until 2012 it was referred to as the Westbury on Trym Flower Show. In 2013 it was been renamed the Westbury on Trym Village Show.
Profit from the Show go towards the running and maintenance of the Westbury-on-Trym Village Hall.
In recent years some of the entry classes have been designed around a theme.
2023 – 43rd Westbury on Trym Village Show – Harvest Time

Proceedings were opened by Darren Jones MP who spoke about the importance of events such as The Show in the life of the community.
This year’s theme was ‘Harvest’ so some of the classes reflected this topic. The judges had an onerous task as there were so many impressive entries from which to choose. Ro York won the ‘Best in Show’ trophy, which was chosen by Darren, for a flower arrangement in the class which stipulated that the arrangement had to incorporate a kitchen utensil.
This year, a new award was introduced which was sponsored by the Henleaze Flower Club in memory of a former member, Patricia Smith. It was entitled ‘Children Having Fun with Flowers’ and this year reflected the theme ‘Harvest’. There were seven entrants and the winner was Polyanna Rammell. She was the epitome of the saying ‘You have to be in it to win it’ as she wiped the board in the children’s categories, winning seven first prizes!
The lovely weather added to the atmosphere of the occasion. The garden buzzed with chatter as visitors perused the stalls, enjoyed the food and met up with friends and neighbours. Music from the Marshfield Brass Band was, as always, a highlight of the day.

The trophies were presented by Alison Bromilow, Vice Chair at Family Food Action, who were invited be the show’s nominated charity this year. The organisation had a stall and provided a team of helpers in the kitchen.
The show committee is grateful to all the businesses and organisations in the community who supported the event by placing advertisements in the schedule or who donated prizes for the raffle. Profits raised will be donated towards the upkeep of the Village Hall
2022 – 42nd Westbury on Trym Village Show – 100 Years of the BBC

We were pleased to welcome Briony May as our guest of honour who was a semi-finalist on the 2018 Great British Bake Off on the BBC. Briony brought along her daughter and both stayed through to the end to present the cups.
The autumnal sunshine and our lovely hall was an amazing backdrop for the 116 people who entered 503 exhibits. The stalls were busy & we were delighted to see the stalls in the back garden for children run by children.
There were refreshments throughout the day from the kitchen and the BBQ in the garden. Lunch and afternoon tea were so popular we had to send out for more milk.
We donated £1,400 to the Village Hall and £200 to the Westbury on Trym Flower Fund. Thankyou goes to the WoT Community who supported the event and made this all possible.
2021 – 41st Westbury on Trym Village Show – Vision 21

Marking the theme of the show, ‘Vision 21’, the show was opened by local resident, Louis Jamieson and his guide dog, Kite. The South Gloucestershire Guide Dogs stand was very popular with visitors, who were able to meet other dogs and their owners. Opticians Newsom Davies collected a large number of unwanted spectacles for re-use at clinics in Africa, India and Eastern Europe.
The ever-popular Marshfield Brass Band entertained visitors and Bill Long looked the part as the ‘Town Crier’ for the day.
We were pleased to make a profit (£1,137) most of which will be donated towards the upkeep of the Village Hall, but, more importantly, we were delighted that everyone was able to come together in a day of celebration for the community of Westbury on Trym!

The ‘Best in Show’ was won by Clare Addams for a very attractive and beautifully presented collection of foliage. There was a new category named in memory of local gardening expert, Arthur Brice. The trophy, which took the form of a mounted trowel, was for the ‘Young Gardener of the Future’ and was won by Amelie Hobbs for her living garden in a two-litre ice cream tub.
2020 – Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic the show was cancelled
2019 – 40th Westbury on Trym Village Show – Celebrations
![]() | The show was opened by Hilary Long. In addition to the 40th Anniversary of the Village Show we were also celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Village Hall where we hold the show each year. Hilary dressed up as Mrs Charlotte St Vincent, the wife of Henry who was the hall’s founder. Classes were chosen to reflect our Ruby Anniversary and the Victorian age of the Village Hll. For the first time some of the entries were displayed in the grounds rather than in the hall itself. Logistically it was a lot of work to move the veg, plant and fruit entries out there before judging began on Saturday morning and luckily the weather was kind to us. Moving these exhibits outside allowed the Photographs to be displayed in a better light and made the cafe area roomier. |
The tables looked lovely decorated in red bunting made by the committee. 120 people entered 570 items and 612 adults and lots of children visited the show to view them. Best in Show was the Lego Model chosen from all the First Prize Winners by Hilary and was once again one of our junior competitors. We were pleased to donate £1200 to support the Village Hall in its 150th year celebrations. Our thanks go to Andy Fraser our Treasurer and Ruth Fraser for all their hard work as they stood down from the committee. Particular thanks went to Alexia Gardner who has been a very effective Chairman and moved into the Vice Chairman role. | ![]() |
2018 – 39th Westbury on Trym Village Show – All Creatures Great & Small
![]() | The theme for the 39th show was All Creatures Great and Small. The show was opened by Maria Lowe from Viking Vets who also presented the Cups at the end of the Show. |
Best in Show was Chosen from all the First Prize Winners by Maria. This is the Zoological Garden on a Dinner Plate from the Junior Garden Section. After a drizzly start the weather was fine and we had an excellent turnout of visitors. We were able to donate £1,200 to the WoT Village Hall. We are very pleased to be able support the Hall as it is such an good facility for us to run the annual show. | ![]() |
2017 – 38th Westbury on Trym Village Show – In the Past
![]() | The theme for the 38th show was In The Past. We joined with the village to celebrate 1300 years of a Church in Westbury on Trym with 3 special classes sponsored by the Church. The show was opened by Marc Alum of the Antiques Road show fame who chose the Garden on a Dinner Plate as the Best in Show. |
Marshfield Brass Band entertained us in the ground. With fine sunny weather we welcomed 700 adults and numerous children through the door. 119 people entered 600 exhibits. Once again we were able to donate £1,500 to the hall to help maintain this excellent facility in the village | ![]() |
2016 – 37th Westbury on Trym Village Show – Seasons
![]() | The theme for the 37th show was Seasons. The weather was wet and windy but, despite the weather, we had another successful year with over 500 adults viewing the exhibits. Hot soup, sandwiches and a bbq were available for lunch and tea and cakes were on offer in the afternoon. |
Arthur Brice opened the show and chose the ‘Best in Show’ – the XXL Pumpkin. Profits from the show will be donated to help support the WoT Village Hall. Many thanks went to the supporters of the show, the local businesses whose adverts and raffle prizes are so welcome and all the helpers on the day. You all make this day so successful. | ![]() |
2015 – 36th Westbury on Trym Village Show – Best of British
![]() | The theme for the 36th show was Best of British. The show theme was reflected throughout the day with Morris Dancing, a Brass Band and Cream teas on sale. The themed classes, once again, proved popular with a record number of entries, particularly for the Victoria Sandwich. |
Jean Calway BEM opened the show and chose the ‘Best in Show’ – a lovely robin. The weather was kind to us and the rain held off. Many thanks to all our supporters and donations to the raffle. Once again we were able to donate £1,500 to support the Village Hall. | ![]() |
2014 – 35th Westbury on Trym Village Show – Coral
![]() | The theme for the 35th Show was Coral. The Show had a very nautical feel, it was opened by Pirate Pete, entertainment by the Barnacle Buoys singing sea shanties, the local Sea Cadets dancing the Horn Pipe and Candy Floss and Ice cream on sale. Many of the Coral themed classes proved popular this year and the Wet! Wet! Wet! photography class in particular caught everyones imagination and we had a huge number of entries. |
Pirate Pete chose the Best in Show – a lovely seaside themed Cushion Cover. After a wet start the weather turned fine and we had a great turnout to view the winners of the competitions, watch the entertainment or eat a cream tea. 2 new Trophies were presented by SusWot and our own Chairman walked away with the Needlework and Handicraft Cup. Once again we were able to donate £1,500 to the Village Hall Funds. | ![]() |
2013 – 34th Westbury on Trym Village Show – Urban Wildlife
![]() | We changed the name of the show from the Flower Show to the Village Show this year to better reflect the breadth of the event. The theme for the 34th Show was Urban Wildlife The show was opened by the Mike Dilger, the wildlife expert from the One Show. Not only did Mike open the show but he gave a very interesting talk, stayed to sign books and handed out the trophies to the winners at the end of the day. |
Mike Dilger chose one of the Children’s pieces of Art and Craft as the ‘Best in Show’. The Frog was made completely from Vegetables. In keeping with the Urban Wildlife theme. Yet another lovely day and Village event. We were pleased to be able to donate £1,500 to the Village hall funds. | ![]() |
2012 – 33rd Westbury on Trym Flower Show – Olympics
![]() | We had an Olympian theme to the show. Local running Olympian Nick Rose opened the show. He was accompanied by Cerys, Olympic torch bearer from our local Free School. It as interesting to see the torch close up. The grass areas around the hall had TaeKwando, Hula Hooping and Juggling taking place. New catering arrangements saw 120 hot dogs consumed – thanks to Richard Jones for helping us out. Due to difficulties with help in the kitchen we offered ploughman’s lunches rather than hot food but with glorious weather it was well received. Many smaller gifts donated by the local businesses or individuals were used this year in a tombola and that was very popular with the children. |
Nick Rose chose a piece of Art as the ‘Best in Show’. The picture showed a medal ceremony with the stadium in the background. In keeping with the Olympic theme, for 2012 only, we made Gold rosettes for all the first prize winners It was a wonderful day and a true Village event. We were pleased to be able to donate £1,500 to the Village hall funds. | ![]() |
2011 – 32nd Westbury-on-Trym Flower Show – Upcycling
![]() | The theme for the 32nd show was Upcycling. Some of our Classes were aimed at upcyclers. Upcycling is the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products. The show was be opened by Barry Lewis, a talented eco-sculptor and even the entertainment followed the theme as a steel band to performed in the grounds during the afternoon. |
2010 – 31st Westbury-on-Trym Flower Show – Bees
![]() | The 31st show, on the 11th September 2010 at the Village hall was a “hive of activity” as 150 people entered 500 exhibits. You could admire their skill and expertise, see curly horned sheep, be amazed by card tricks, listen to the band and try out a hand massage. There were refreshments to buy, woolly hats, raffle tickets, cards, costume jewellery, plants or the chance to commission a painting. Some checked out their blood pressure, watched a flower arranging demonstration, gazed at the bees and more. As ever, it was a lively and wonderful community event. The show handed a cheque for £1,500 to the Village Hall Committee. |
The show was opened by Nick Wray of Bristol Botanic Gardens who chose the large pumpkin as the “Best in Show”. | ![]() |
2009 – 30th Westbury-on-Trym Flower Show – Wallace & Gromit
Our 30th anniversary show was a great success, donating a fantastic £2,000 to the Village Hall. The theme that year was Wallace and Gromit. The lambs from Lawrence Western Community Farm proved to be particularly popular with the local children.
Earlier History
We are happy to receive any information you might have on the history of the WoT Flower Show. Just use the Contact Us page to email through your information.
Where did the Cups come From?
The chairman has researched the history of the cups and what we know so far is below. If you have any further details please email it through using the Contact Us page.
The Patrick Smith Trophy: Patrick Smith was a Flower Show committee member and part of the WOT Garden and Allotment Association.
Dave Preston Cup: Dave Preston was Flower Show chairman and allotment man.
Trustee Savings Bank Trophy: This bank is now what we know as Lloyds bank. The manager’s wife of the Trustee Savings Bank was a keen flower arranger.
Courage Cup: A very old cup presumably from the Courage Brewery.
Park Gardens Nurseries Cup: The manager of the nursery was a friend of Dave Preston. The nursery is now called Almondsbury Garden Centre.
The Trappings Trophy: This trophy was donated by Jo Buchan owner of Trappings gift shop 10, Canford Lane 2000-2007. Jenny Cooper, one of her assistants, is the wife of Malcolm, who was a Flower Show committee member and chairman for one year.
The Saywell Veale Cup: Saywell Veale was a firm of estate agents that traded in the village and became the Halifax when Mr Veale retired.
The Eastfield Playgroup Trophy: The Eastfield Playgroup operated in the Village Hall for a number of years. It was originally run by Joan Slinger and then by Jenny Jeynes.
The Phillipe Junior Challenge Trophy: Phillipe’s was a ladies hairdresser’s now known as Elizabeth Charles.
The Nancy Perry Cup: Nancy Perry was a bedrock of the Flower Show for years and sadly passed away in 2013. This cup was first presented in 2013.
The SusWoT Bowl: Donated by Sustainable Westbury on Trym and first presented in 2013. Awarded for the best Plant or Produce grown from SusWoT seeds.
The SusWoT Trophy: Donated by Sustainable Westbury on Trym and first presented in 2014. 2014 – 2017 awarded for the best plant or produce from a new gardener. In 2018 this was changed to Flower Arrangements, one aimed at pollinators and the other to suppress plant pests. In 2021 this was changed again to award it for a video.
The John Whitson Trophy: Donated by Red Maid’s School and first presented in 2013. This is a School Garden award.
The Gwyn James Trophy: Donated by Esme James and first presented in 2015. Awarded for the biggest and best grown onion.
The Arthur Brice Trophy: Arthur Brice was a much loved and talented gardener. For many years he judged the garden entries. His trophy was sponsored by the Village Show Committee and is used to encourage the next generation of young gardeners. It was first presented in 2021.
The Patricia Smith Award: First presented in 2023 for Children having fun with flowers as part of the Flower Arranging Section. It was presented by Henleaze Garden Club.
How to Get Involved
The committee is always looking for volunteers to help on the day and throughout the year. We also welcome suggestions and ideas as to how to improve the show.
You can email us using the Contact Us page.
The committee meets monthly throughout the year.
Updated by the webmaster 13 May 2024